Monday, June 1, 2009

My OnLy LoVe SpRuNg FrOm My OnLy HaTe

Written by Paola Peralta

In the city of Verona, tragedy strikes two households, the Montague and Capulet, as a result of their long-lasting family hatred towards each other. It all began at the Capulet household while a party was being hosted there. That was the moment those two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, met. What they didn't know though, and what they least expected, was that their love was going to be something that couldn't happen since their families have been hating each other for a very long time; their hate came from long before their ancestors. Once Romeo and Juliet find out that they are from enemy families, they do what they can to be together, even if it means going against their own families. They get married and think they are going to be happy, but a series of events led to the tragic end.Romeo Montague-

Sixteen-year old Romeo Montague was one of the young lovers who was affected in this adversity. Romeo was the best friend of Mercutio, the cousin of the prince. Romeo was a member of the Montague family so that meant that he couldn't be with a Capulet. Romeo had just been broken-hearted by another Capulet named Rosaline who had left him to become a nun. Benvolio, Romeo's cousin, soon was able to convince Romeo to forget about Rosaline and to go check out other beauties. Romeo agreed to do so by going to the Capulet party and seeing if he can find anyone there for him. It was there where he first saw Juliet; it was love at first sight. He tried his best to talk to her and to get to know her, only to later find out that she was a Capulet, so their love couldn't be. Later on, he was banished from Verona for killing Tybalt, Juliet's cousin; Romeo had killed Tybalt for killing Mercutio.

Juliet Capulet-

Young Juliet was only twelve. She was part of the Capulet household being an only daughter to Lord Capulet. Her father had talked to Paris, a man who was in his early twenties, and had been convinced into allowing her to marry Paris. Still, Lord Capulet did tell Paris that she was too young to be wed, but if he,Paris, could win Juliet's heart, then he had his consent and he could marry her in two more years. Juliet's mother and nurse, who was also like a mother to her, tried to convince Juliet to marry Paris. Juliet told them that she'll see at the party if she likes Paris or not. As she was dancing with Paris, her eyes met with Romeo's, and as you know, they fell in love. Secretly, they kept seeing each other and eventually married, even after Romeo had been banned from returning to Verona. Juliet, the friar, and her nurse soon came up with a plan so that she could be with Romeo without having to hide; they didn't know that it would be Romeo's and Juliet's pathway to death.

The Montagues-

Everyone in the Montague household is feeling bad about what happened. Lord Montague says, "I don't know how this could of happened to us. It is all very confusing to me. I still can not understand how it is possible for a twelve year old girl to get a hold of some drugs which stimulates your body making it seem as if you are dead. Well that is what the reporters are saying; they are also saying that my boy, my young Romeo, thenn killed himself with some real drugs. They are also saying that once Juliet saw him laying dead, she shot herself so she can die with him. I don't believe none of this. It's all just lies trying to make my young Romeo look bad."

The Capulets-

The Capulets are also suffering about what happened with their young Juliet. Lord Capulet says, "My one and only daughter. Why did it have to be her? It could have been any other young lady, but it had to be her. She was the hopeful lady of my earth, and now... she's gone. I blame myself for it. I should have tried to talk to her about how she felt about marrying Paris, and maybe she would of told me something about young Romeo. I could of made peace with the Montagues earlier and prevented all of this from happening. But now its too late."

The Bottom Line-

Afterall, both households should be punished for what happened with this young couple. It was their fault from the begining for what happened. If these two families would of been at peace, then Romeo and Juliet wouldn't of had to hide their love. The parents from both sides would of approved and everything would of been great. But things weren't like that. So now certain people have to go on trial for the deaths of these two lovers. The people who should defenitely be trialed for their deaths are the friar, the nurse, and both families. The families for as already mentioned, they could of kept peace; the friar and nurse for not thinking well on their plan and not notifying the parents about their children's marriage.

Monday, March 9, 2009

mY tOuGhTs oN eUtHaNiSiA......

My stance on euthanasia is that there are times were it is right, but there are times were it is definitely wrong. The only times that it is okay is when the person who is going to be killed has a very painful disease that can not be cured and it makes people restless. The disease does not really have to be painful, just that it can not be cured and you can not do anything about it to help the person. It is wrong though when the disease is curable because killing the person would be a disrupt to their life. It is also very wrong when a person commits euthanasia against their own family just because they were feeling very bewildered, like when people loose a job, a friend, or their partner. They don't know what to do, they feel like the whole world is against them, they act very inscrutable, and when no one expects it, they kill their entire family. I earnestly believe that there would be a better solution to the problem than killing your entire family, just because you feel like if it was the end of the world. The person can have other alternatives instead of just killing. I could still have vicissitudes on this topic depending on what I learn and hear from others.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

eUtHaNaSiA....."mErCy" KiLLiNg?

1) a. George shot Lennie at the back of the head. He did that because he wanted to “save” Lennie from Curley. To George, it was better to kill Lennie himself, rather than having Curley find Lennie and probably torture him and lynch him. That would be all because of Lennie killing Curley’s wife, which was not completely his fault because he doesn’t know his own strength.George probably thought that by getting rid of Lennie's life, life would be easier for both of them. It would be easier for George because he wouldn't have to worry about Lennie getting them into any kind of trouble, and George wouldn't have to worry about looking out for Lennie. It would be easier for Lennie because he wouldn't even have to worry about living.

1) b. In my opinion, I believe that killing Lennie wasn’t really the right thing to do, but at the same time it was. The reason to why I think that killing Lennie wasn’t the right choice is because George and Lennie were best friends; they were really close friends and they were both helping each other through their hard times. They were even planning the future together and how life would be like as long as they stayed together. I also think that killing Lennie was the wrong thing to do because they could of just ran away together, like they already had done before. At the same time, I also believe that killing Lennie was the right thing to do because what if George hadn’t killed him; they would of probably both thought about running away, and while they were trying to run away, Curley and his men would probably find them. Then, not only would they have killed Lennie, but also George for trying to help him run away. I also think that ending his life was for the best because he didn’t have to suffer of his disability anymore, and of the troubles it caused him.

2) a. In my opinion a quote to represent the reasons that the father had would be,“Late last year, 67-year-old Beppino Englaro, won an intense 10-year legal battle to allow his daughter's feeding tubes to be removed, saying that was her wish”. I believe that explains why he did what he did. He was only a caring father who wanted to make his daughter’s last wish come true.

2) b. A quote to show that it was the best thing to do for the girl would be “The court accepted that before the accident, his daughter had expressed a preference for dying over being kept alive artificially”. The reason why this quote is good is because even the court accepted that the daughter did say what she preferred after the accident. She expressed that she preferred to die than to be kept alive artificially; if she preferred that, then that is what needed to be done.

2) c. I agree with it in a way, but I disagree with it in a way. I agree with it because if that was what she wanted, and even the court accepted it, and the father agreed with it, then it was okay. I also agree with it because artificial living is like not living at all in a way. But at the same time, they are still living, even if it is artificially, so it would be like murder.

3) a. Things going throgh the father's mind:

  • he didn't want to leave his young kids in anybody's hands.
  • he and his wife both lost his job.

3) b. Parents could support their kids without money by:

  • sending them to school.
  • encouraging them.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sa MaJeStE dEs MoUcHeS...[LoRd oF tHe fLiEs...]

1b. I chose Robbie Amell would play the part of Ralph in my movie. The reason is because they both have a really chill personality. Another reason is that if you mess with them, their good personality turns into bad temper, but only if you mess with it. Another reason would be because I think that Robbie Amell would be a really awsome and great leader. He did once play a role of a football player in a TV show called Life With Derek, and he was captain the captain. That proves that he can play a great leader. He also has colored eyes, just like Ralph.

2b. Tom Felton would play Jack in my movie. Tom Felton is great to play Jack because of their temper. They both do not mind being mean and offending people. Their cruelty is like a natural thing to them. They also both seem to have that mean stare in their face. They are also both blonde. Tom Felton isn't really that way in person, but he is really good at acting to be that way in the Harry Potter movies.

3b. I chose Harry Melling to be Piggy. One reason is because his physical looks really seem how they describe Piggy in the book. Also, I think he would be great for this part because he would play a great follower. He also seems like the type of person who people would pick on alot. Harry Melling is also the type of person that people get annoyed of really fast. And my last but not least reason is because the name Piggy really goes with him because of one of the Harry Potter movies, Harry Potter gives him a pig's tail.

4b. As Simon, I chose Adam Hicks from How To Eat Fried Worms.Reason why I chose him was because both him and Simon have a very innocent look on their face. They both also have freckles. Another reason is because both him and Simon have something that they make themselves think that it actually exsists, but it is not real. What I am trying to say is that Simon has the "Lord of the Flies" which he thinks that talks to him, and Joe (Adam Hicks) makes himself and everybody else that he has a "death ring" which works when he pounches you in the stomach but you don't die until the eigth grade. Another reason is because when all the other boys join forces, they can overthrow them; like with Joe the boys all went against him when Billy won the bet, and with Simon, they all went against him when the boys killed him thinking he was the beast.

5b. I chose Hitler to be Roger. The reason why I chose him was because he is cruel and evil. Another reason is because he wouldn't mind killing as long as he was happy. Also, he wouldn't mind killing people he didn't like or hated. They also have both killed. Another reason is because they both have a mean look.

Taz would be the "beastie."

7a. They would be stuck in Catalina Island (the wild life part).

7b. The things I would change are:
1) Piggy and Simon would not die!
2) They would respect eachother.
3) They would have more fun instead of arguing.

8. I wouldn't keep the name The Lord of the Flies. I would change it to Sa Majeste des mouches. It's the same name but in french. I would have it in french because it makes the name sound more interesting, and more fancy.

Monday, November 3, 2008

HiRoShiMa BeFoRe tHe BoMbiNg...

1) What I see in this picture is a peaceful Hiroshima. It seems like a very relaxed and calm city. It looks like a regular city with no conflicts and no enemies. In my opinion by the looks of this city, I believe that they were innocent to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It seems to me that this city would not have enemies due to the way it looks, very peaceful.

2) In this picture I see Hiroshima in ruins. I see the buildings in the picture turned into pieces. The buildings in this picture that you can see, and barely tell what they are, are a gas company building and an elementary school. I believe it is very sad that children suffered the consequences of a bad act of the Japanese leaders.

3) What I see in this picture is a dead person after the bombing in Hiroshima. I still believe that it really sad that innocent people were the ones who suffered, even if it wasn’t really their fault. It is really sad to see these pictures of people in this condition. In my opinion, these pictures are like disturbing to look at.

4) This picture was drawn by a survivor of the bombing. What I see in this picture is lots of dead people. I believe that the person who drew this felt really bad about seeing all these dead people everywhere. I also feel really bad that all these people had to die this way. I feel that their death was very unfair. I think that the person who drew this remembered this event for the rest of their life.

Monday, September 29, 2008

PrO-LiFe Or PrO-cHoiCe...???

1)My stance on abortion is that it should be legal. The reason is because if abortion is banned, that does not automatically mean that people are going to stop doing it, it just means that since the government is not going to cooperate, then they are going to find ways which are either illegal or harmful to their health. However, I do not believe that abortion should be the first option for a pregnant woman. I think that abortion should be legal, but that a woman considers other options like giving the baby to abortion to a couple that is not able to have kids. Another reason is because if a woman was raped, she would probably not want to give birth to that baby for emotional and physical reasons, so abortion would be a choice that she could make. Another reason would be that a woman, just like a man, has the right to do whatever she desires to her body.

2)"Banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists"

3) What the quote that I chose in #2 means is that by making abortion illegal, it just makes women take risks to their health by having an abortion illegally, with people who have no experience and who do not have the right materials to do the abortion. Another way that they would have an abortion is by doing it themselves, which is why I agree with the quote that abortion should be legal, so that the women who want abortion do not have to take those risks. If abortion is legal, women don't have to take the risks because they can go to an experienced doctor who has the right training and degrees to do so.

4)"-a woman has the right to decide what she can and can't do with her body
-the foetus exists inside a woman's body
-a woman has the right to decide whether the fetus remains in her body;
-therefore a pregnant woman has the right to abort the fetus"

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A piCtUrE iS wOrTh A tHoUsAnD wOrDs...

In this picture there are two men carrying a man who is severely injured because of the bomb that went off in the Marriott hotel in Islamabad. There is blood all over him and especially on his face. The message that this picture presents to me is that not many things like that happen, but when they do, the damages can be extremely dangerous. They can cause many damages and deaths of many innocent people. Fortunately, I can not relate this incident to my life. I think that I am very lucky to not have to go through things like this and hopefully I won't experience something like this in the future. I would really hate to have to go through all the pain that these people and their families had to go suffer.